Grilled Lemon Butter Dill Salmon

Grilled Lemon Butter Dill Salmon | Living Healthy in Seattle

What are you afraid of?

I’m afraid of spiders. More specifically, spiders who invade my personal space.

They seem to enjoy giving me a good fright.

Every time I’m caught off guard.

Every time.

Yes there was a spider scurrying up the back of my neck in French class (many years ago). I silently freaked out before sending that thing flying across the room with the flick of my finger. Hopefully it didn’t land on some other innocent soul…

Yes there was a spider crawling on my arm when I was minding my own business, just reading a book in the living room. When you hear someone tell you in a hushed yet forceful tone “Don’t move” you know something bad is about to go down. Being whacked with a rolled newspaper is not very fun either.

And yes there was a spider INSIDE the jacket that I was wearing. Did I mention this occurred in the produce section of a grocery store? Yep, there were witnesses.

Maybe you’re terrified of spiders too, or maybe not.

But are you petrified of seafood? Eating it, that is.

I refuse to touch oysters (yuck), squid (ew), and mussels (gag), though salmon is a different story.

Salmon is so simple to prepare and it’s healthy. Plus it tastes amazing!

All salmon really needs is some creamy butter, zesty lemon and herby dill to bring out its flavors.

Throw your beautiful wild filet on the grill and dinner will be ready in about 10 minutes!


P.S. I heard peppermint oil deters spiders… hmm



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